How to change default file location save setting
How to change default file location save setting

  1. How to change default file location save setting how to#
  2. How to change default file location save setting install#

Those of you that have Microsoft Office XP, 2003 or 2007 might have noticed there is also a Places bar in the open and save dialogs as well. Other users on that computer won’t be affected. The default places bar changes will only be effective for the currently logged on user. Just use \\ComputerName\SharedFolder and it will show the shared folder. You also can enter into the box your own custom local path location (“D:\myfiles\downloads” etc.) and even remote folders on another computer. There are a few other predefined custom place for you to choose from such as My pictures, My Music and some specific shared folders etc. You can hide the places bar completely or select Custom places bar. In Tweak UI expand the Common Dialogs tree and click on Places Bar.īy default, Show default places is selected which will show My Recent Documents, Desktop, My Documents, My Computer and My Network Places. Run Tweak UI from the Start menu (All Programs -> Powertoys for Windows XP -> Tweak UI)ģ.

How to change default file location save setting install#

Download Microsoft Powertoys Tweak UI from the Microsoft website and install it.Ģ. You need to use Microsoft PowerToys Tweak UI which gives you access to several system settings that are not exposed in the Windows XP default user interface.ġ.

how to change default file location save setting

There is another article covering newer Windows operating systems such as Vista and 7 although the tools mentioned do also work with XP. This method is only for Windows XP and will not work on Vista and 7.

How to change default file location save setting how to#

I will show you how to easily you can change the Windows default Save As or Open Places Bar Locations. If you’re working on something that frequently needs to save files to other than one of the preset locations, you can change the default save location, so you don’t need to browse to the location each time you want to save.

how to change default file location save setting

The “Places Bar” concept is a good idea, but not everyone regards those five default locations as the most suitable for their situation. Those 5 locations are called the “Places Bar” and it is supposed to be a convenient way for you to save it to the preset location. However, at the left side of the “Save As” dialog, you will see 5 locations which is My Recent Documents, Desktop, My Documents, My Computer and My Network Places that has been preset for you to save.

how to change default file location save setting

I did a little research and found out that it can’t be changed. Whenever you open a file from any program or try to save a file using “Save As”, most of the time the default location would be either Desktop or My Documents.

How to change default file location save setting